
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lazarus Project P2

Got moved in to the new place and am just waiting on internet hook-up, job searching, and now just wasting time at the library, stealing their internets. I've been meaning to show some of my progress pics with Lazarus (who is now finished), so here he be:

First thing I had to do is get the doll body to be less human looking, which meant smoothing out the muscle definition through sanding or epoxy. Nothing too difficult, except the Milliput epoxy I used is extremely stubborn and likes to stick to everything except what I wanted to fill in. And it doesn't sand as smooth as I would like. Overall, Milliput is good for 40k pieces, but when it comes to larger scale, I rather just stick with cheap putty epoxy from Wally World.

The body I was using on Lazarus was originally going to be used on my next project that required the limbs to be different colors, which is why this body now looks like something a b&w printer barfed on. I needed Lazarus's base coat to be a dark blue to black color, so the best option is dying the resin with RIT dye. I could paint it but paint will chip away with the articulated joints. When you boil a pot of RIT dye on your stove then place resin pieces in there for a couple minutes, you get a much more permanent result. It does make the overall look more blotchy as opposed to a smooth paint finish, but I can cover up errors no problem if I smooth over the area with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser before the pieces are dry.

And he fun part about drying your pieces is then hanging the limbs about the kitchen because boiling body parts on your stove isn't creepy enough!

That cat...

So when everything's dry I have my base ready to add clay and metal add-ons. Resin will only dye as dark as the water and dye bath gets, so pure black is almost impossible. But at least I wont see glaringly obvious white resin at the joints.

So I did finish him, but I never bothered to take photos as I worked on the clay parts. So when I get the time, I'll take the finished photos of him. And when I do my next project, he also will have clay arts, so I'll give better step by step how-tos of my work. So stay tuned!

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